The Boston Gazette & Country Journal, 1774
The following is a reprint from the Boston Gazette & Country Journal 1774
The Boston Gazette and Country Journal
Monday, January 3 1774
Imported from England by John Welsh, and sold in his shop No. 5, Union Street, Boston
A general assortment of English GOODS, suitable for all seasons.
Super fine, middling and low-priz'd broad cloths, with shalloons and trimmings to match, a fine assortment of serges, duffels, lambkins, bearskins, bath beavers knap'd and plain, cape velvet, olive velvet and velverets, fine ratteens, greens crimson and red Colchester and drapery bays, flannels, swanskins, blankets, camblets, cambleteens, dorseteen yd. Wide fig'd stuffs, crapes, brilliants, miffiners, frizet, Denmark lustre, worsted damask, fagathies, duroys, everlastings, russells, calimancoes, durants, tammies, laces, fnail*, ermines, muffs, drawboys, sprig'd & plain satins, figur'd mode, alamode, Persians, --------silks, gauzes, catgut, cap wire, cambricks, plain and flower'd lawns, muslin, diapers, diaper table cloths, Irish linens and cotton checks of all widths, furniture checks, bag Holland, bed ticks, strip'd & brown Holland, Ruffia drab, calicoes, bengalls and penniafcoes*, chip hats, silk, cotton and linen handkerchiefs of all sorts, mens' breeches pieces,of all colours, men's & women's gloves & mitts, and an assortment of men's and women's hose, women's English & Lynn shoes & pumps, silk knee staps, worsted ditto, sewing silk, silk twist and wax thread per lb. A large assortment of buttons, dowlas, ozenburgh, buckram, white and brown, dit. Coat, shoe and quality bindings, and gartering per groce, silk ferrets, ribbons, sustains, thicksetts, wilton, pins, hair ditto, needles of all sorts, threads, tapes, cruels, men's worsted caps, indigo, cotton woo, English soles, &c. &c. &c.…..
Goldsmith & Jewellery…….a comlpeat assortment of women's; platedbuckle, men's shoe, knee and stock dit. paste ditto, a large assortment of brilliant and cipher earings, buton, brickle ring and locket stones, ruby and white foyl*, steel top silver thimbles, ……
BY Benjamin Church,
At Eleven o'Clock in the Forennoon,
A large Assortment of valuable Articles belonging to a Gentleman lately deceas'd. Consisting of Superfine middling and course Broadcloth-Ratteens-Frizes-Half Thick-Kerseys -Shallons-Calamancoes- Irish linnens -Checks-Mens and Womens Hose-Velveeretts-Handkerchiefs-Café Knives and Forks-Inkhorns-Penknives &c……..
New AUCTION-Room, Cornhill,
Will be Sold by PUBLIC VENDUE,
At Greenleaf's Auction-Room
A very large and valuable Assortment of Goods, Amongst which are A variety of blue, claret, and drab, broad cloths, red and blue duffels, coating, shalloons, tammies, durants, striped and plain camblets, callamancoes, duroys, green and black everlastings, Manchester velvets, velverets, grizets, mifenets*, blue, yellow and black India taffaties, satins, figured and plain modes, ribbons, a few lb. white thread, Irish linnens, cotton checks, striped ginghams, flowere'd and plain lawns, muslins, calicoes, chintz, cotton and linnen stampt handkerchiefs, necklaces, silver watches, feather beds, one suit green harrateen curtains, &c. &c.
W. Greenleaf, Auctioneer.
Lutestrings, ducapes, satins, silk damasks, two handsome eight day clocks, one mahogany desk and book case…………..
M. Lee,
A Variety of Mercery and Millenery Goods, amongst which are a beautiful assortment of Brocades, flower'd & plain Lutestrings, Gorgoroons, and Taffaties, black Padusoys and Armozeens, exceeding Cheap,
New Fashion Cloaks and Bonnetts, London made,
White, - A large Variety of trolly
Greys, - blond & bone Laces,
Leylock, - Edgings, Lawns, and Cambricks,
Sky, - Figured Modes Silks Mitts and Gloves,
Pink, - > & Sattins of the Callicoes and Chinces,
Crimson, - newest Patterns Schineal and Tefte*black Hair-Pins
Black & - Paste Sprigs and Pins
Fancy - Silk Handkerchiefs,
Yard & ell wide MullMull, Stomachers,
Jaconott, book &sprig'dMuslins White, blue, and black
Yard and ell-wide,flower'd and Feathers, some very handsome.
PlainGauzes Childrens Morocco Shoes and Pumps,
Catguts, Queens Nett, Parrifnett*, Brocades Clogs,
Skeleton and Cap Wire, A few suits of Blond Linen,
Rich Muffs, Tippets and Ermine, Court Plaister,
Tambour work'd Aprons and Ruffles, Floss Turbin Lappets,
Brussels & Mecklin Laces, Italian Flowers,
Chevaudesrise, and Snail Trimmings,
A Quantity of Ribbons, and many other Articles in the Millenery and Mercery Way, Also, Blue & white China Bowls, Cups & Saucers.
Imported in Sundry Vessels arrived from England and Scotland
By John Greenlaw,
A general Assortment of GOODS,
------Amoung which are the following viz.-------
Very rich black Sattins, Lutestrings, Tobines, Brocades, Padusoys, Modes, Sarsnets, Muslins, Stuffs, very ???? Threads, and Women's Stays, to be disposed of exceeding Cheap, at his Store South-End, Boston.
N.B. Just come to Hand very suitable Baizes, Coatings, Duffils, Ratteens and strong Frizes, &c. &c.
Andrew Dexter,
Who keeps the CHEAP STORE, near the Mill-Bridge, acquaints People in general, and particularly such as have been often disappointed and deceived, when allured by pompous Advertisements, they have gone to Auction-Rooms, to purshcase either at public or private Sale, that he has just received by the last ship from London, a fresh Parcel of GOODS, which for Quality and extreme lowness of Price, are not to be described by Language in common use among Traders; a Part of which Goods, every Body who will please to come to his Shop, he hopes will be induced to buy; and he is very confident they will not have the least Reason to repent of it afterwards.
Joseph Peirce,
At his Shop the North Side of the Town House, Boston, -Informs his Customers, and Others, that he has imported from LONDON per Capt. Scott,
A fresh Assortment of Goods, Which he will sell at very reasonable Profits, for ready money.
Amongst his Goods are some Men's exceeding neat 3 and 4 thread, plain and Patent Rib worsted Hose of various Colours,-some remarkable cheap scarlet Broadcloth, Beaver Coatings, Lambskins, Kerseys, Baizes, scarlet Whitney-Cordusoy, Royal Rib, Crimson Cape Velvet, Patens, best English made Shoes, and Pumps, Clogs, and Goloshoes, Muffs, Patent Cake Blacking, and Cake Ink, Men's white, and colour’d patent Rib, and plain Silk Hose, plain black ditto, -Boys black Hatts.- A few elegant enameled India China Punch-Bowls, blue & white India half pints Bowls, ditto and Saucers, Breakfast, and Tea Cups and Saucers, blue and white Octagon Plates.- True Sable Muffs, and Tippets,-together with more Articles than is convenient to enumerate in an Advertisement.
And now Opening
English, India, and Scotch Goods,
To be SOLD by
Parkman & Melvill,
At their Shop in Cornhill, formally improved by Mrs. Mehitable Torrey
N.B. They have just received in the last Vessles from London, a handsome Assortment of Winter STUFFS for Ladies Gowns, which will be sold extreme low.
A superfine Scarlet Cloth Riding Hood, Almost new.
William Scott,
At his Irish Linnen Store in Ann-Street, between the Flat Conduit and Draw-Bridge, Boston,
HAS Imported from IRELAND
A large Quantity of 3, 4, 7-8 and yd-wide Linnens, Diapers, Clouting, Table Cloths, Sheeting?ogs, &c.
Said Store is also furnished with a great Variety of European and India Goods, suitable for the Season, amongst which are some nice Cinnamon-color & mix'd Bath Coatings, superfine blue and scarlet knap'd ditto,, cloth-colour'd scarlet and crimson Broad Cloths, Forrest Cloths, Baizes, Duffils &c.
Double Camblets, Cambleteens, Denmark & Prussian Lusteres, Crapes, Dorsetteens, Irish Camblets, Grizetts, Silvaretts, Missionets, &c.
Black and cloth-colour'd India Taffities, flower'd and plain black, white, crimson, and pink Sattins, Capuchin Silks, Sarcenets, and Modes of all Colours, Hosiery plain and rib's. His general assortment for Men's wear consist of two great a multiplicity to be enumerated in a public advertisement. All of which will be sold by wholesale and retail at the lowest reduced prices for ready Money only, …………………
A few Pieces of Ducapes, Lutestrings and Englis Damask'd, to be sold at the Sterling Cost, a large Quantity for flower'd Scotch Lawns, on the same Terms.
Monday, January 10, 1774
New AUCTION-ROOM Cornhill,
At Ten o'clock
Will be Sold by Public Vendue,
At Greenleaf's Auction -Rooms
A Variety of English Goods,
Amongst which are
Broad Cloths, Kerseys, Ratteens, Forrett Cloths, Dufils, Strouds, Velvets, and Velveretts,, Worsted Plushes, Lastings, Camblets, Shalloons, Furants, Mizenets, Grizetts, Brolios, Irish Linnens, flower'd and plain Lawns, Muslins, Silk Gauzes, Ribbons, Sattins, Figured Modes, Persians Lutestrings, Taffaty's Stamp'd and Check'd Linnen Handkerchiefs, Callicoes, Table Clothes, Silver Watches, Beds, &c. &c.
Imported in the last Ships from LONDON and SCOTLAND, and to be sold at the cheapest Rates
A general Assortment of English, Scots, and India GOODS, among which are a fine Choice of Mens' and Womens' s Winter Cloathing of every kind, also blankets, rugs, &c. a parcel plain and spotted grey Muffs, and Tippets, with a Variety Fur Trimmings, Milled Gloves, &c.
Just opening, an Assortment of Dutch Bruches, in sets and single, high iron Scates, Dutch Looking Glasses, cheap Violins, Battledores, &c. &c.
Enquire at the Subscribers Shop, near the Old South Meetin-House.
Dec. 29th, 1773 Gilbert Deblois.
Choice MADDER, the produce of this Province, to be Sold by John Barrett, at the Mill-Bridge, Boston.
For Private Sale
At the Austion -Room, South Side of the Town House, viz.
………Also, Blue, orange, lead, grey, and cloth colour'd braod cloths, cotton velvets, shalloons, tammies, Stuffs, of all colours, drab and mix't duffels, copper and mixt frizes, calamancoes, capuchin silk of all colours, cuckskin breeches, men's silk and worsted hose, white baize, black handkerchiefs, black satin ahd chip hats, silk guaze, black qauze handkerchiefs, black, blue, white and pink farsnets. A small box of well assorted ribbons the newest fashion, Scotch carpets, superfine buttonhole twist, camp and basket buttons, blue frizzed cotton, glass pictures………….
Monday Febuary 2, 1774
Joseph-Pearse Palmer
………Water'd Tammies for Winter Gowns……
Monday, March 14, 1774, Monday April 4, 1774
Sundry Articles of MILLENARY to be sold at Mrs. Mecom's , a little to the Northward of Concert-Hall, opposite Greenleaf's Printing Office; Sattins, of the newest Fashion of Cloaks and Bonnets, the nicest chip Hats and the common Sort of covering, An Assortment of genteel Ribbons, Persians, Allamondes, Sewing Silk, Muslins, Gloves and Mitts, Gimp-trimmings, Gauzes, Blond Lace & Edgings, black Ditto, Cap-wire, Tooth-brushes, Silk Laces for Stays, Pins, Needles, Threads, Tapes, Bindings, Durants, and Tammies. Also, ready-made Caps, and Hoods, &c. &c. &c.
All Sorts of MILLENARY Work done with Care and Expedition, as usual.
At Publick Auction
By Benjamin Church
At his usual Place of Sale
On Thursday the 17th Day of March,
Sundry Goods belonging to the Estate if Capt. Oman, late deceas'd ---consisting of
Tammies, Durants, Callamancoes, Crapes, Dorseteens, Moree Gowns, Threads, Qualities, Pins, also a Variety of Wearing Apparel, and Sunday other Articles.
English Goods Cheap
Imported from London by
Samuel Dashwoodz
A great Variety of English, India, and Scotch Goods, among which are,- Irish Linnens of all Widths, Chimees and Callicoes, great Variety of Silks, best Royal Ribbs, best English Shoes at One Dollar per Pair, and many other Articles too tedious to mention, which will be sold by Wholesale at the Sterling Cost, and by Retail at the Cost and Charges, as he is going into another Branch of Business.
A Small Invoice of newest fashion Callicoes, to be sold for less than the Sterling Cost and Charges. Inquire of Edes and Gill
Monday , March 28, 1774
Richard Salter
At his Shop in Cornhill;
Who continues to Sell on the most reasonable Terms, English and India GOODS suitable for all Seasons--The best French and Spanish Indigo, Pepper and Spices: Also a fine Assortment of Women's and Children's Stays made in the neatest and best manner, Best russel, calamanco and everlasting Women and Children Shoes, Pumps, Goloshoes, &c.
Stolen one Evening Last Week
From a Hose in Union-Street, one Scarlet Cloth Riding hood, one Scarlet Cloth Cloak, one black Russell quilted Petticoat, one Tippet and one Holland Apron. A handsome Reward will be given to the Printer, so that the Thief may be detected and the Things recover'd. 28 march 1774
For Private Sale,
At the NEW Auction -Room
Three Mehogany Desks……..also, orange, blue and green collour'd Broad Cloths, Cotton Velvets, Shalloons, Tammies, Stuffs and Durants, white Baize, Irish Linnens, Men's silk Hose, Capuchine Silks, of all colours, black, blue red and white Sarfnets*, Patch Work Coverlets, a Box of well assorted and handsome Ribbons, Polins, Buckskin Breeches, handsome Muffs, a large Globe, silk Gauzes, black Sattin and chip hatts, a handsome suit of Brocade, and suit of black Grogram, small pocket glass, and Lisbon Lemmons by the Box, a variety of other Articles.
Monday, April 4, 1774
A Large and valuable Assortment of ENGLISH goods, BELONGING to a Gentleman leaving off the Business---Consisting of, Callicoes, Chints and Patches mixt, cinnamon and cloth-colour'd Bengalls, Long Lawns, Diaper Table Cloths, Irish Linnesn, Dimothy's Mens Cotton and Worsted Hose, Brolio's pink, crimson, cloth-colour'd Durants and Camblereens, green, red, and blue Mecklenburgs, green, blue and cloth-colour'd Shalloons, pink, blue, black, brown, green, white and cloth-colour'd Tammies, Pensacolas, green and red worsted Brocades, pink, blue, purple and yellow Silveritts, cloth colour'd Breeches patterns, Cotton Velvets, handsome Ribbons, white-handle Knives and Forks, Broadcloths, Ratteens, Bearskins, Jersey-knit Hose, mill'd Caps, white Quality Binding, Crewels, worsted Caps, check Hankerchiefs, --Plate--Handsome Tankard, Porringers, Tureen, Chaffin dishes, large & small Spoons, Pepper Boxes, Cream-pots, Cups &c. And a Variety of other Articles, too numerous for an Advertisement. ANDREW OLIVER, Auctioneer.
Will be sold by PUBLIC VENDUE, at BICKER'S
Auction-Room near the Market, Boston.
A large Quanity of cut and other Goods belonging to the Estate of a Gentleman lately deceased, among which are a large Quanity of Callicoes, printed Cottons, stamp'd Linnen, Patches, corded Poplins, half yard Crapes, Dorsetteens, Irish Camblets, Cambleteens, Miffenetts, Grezetss, Drawboys, figur'd & plain Lawns, Gauzes, Kenting & Linnen Handkerchiefs, No. 12 Pins, Callamancoes, Shalloons, Tammies, figur'd Modes, Quality Binding, Ribbons, &c. &c.
John & Eleanor Druitt,
Most respectfully acquaint the Friends and the Public, they continue to keep School as usual, in Hanover Street, near Concert Hall.
Eleanor Druitt, Instructs in French Grammatically, Reading, English, and Orthography: likewise the following Needleworks, viz.
Point, Brussells, (Gold, Silver, and Silk) Embroidery's Dresden, Tambour, Feather-Stitch ,& Darning, with great variety of Open-work; Tapestry, Cat gut, diaper, and plain Darning, Knitting, Marking, Plain-work and Baby-linnen, &c.
As it has been apprehended by some Ladies, the said Druitt don't teach Plain-work; now Informs them she does, and with equal care and affiduity, as she performs the rest of her undertakings……..
Choice MADDER,
The Growth of this Province,
John Barrett,
Near the Mill-Bridge, Boston
Monday, April 25, 1774
Caleb Blanchard,
Begs Leave to inform his Friends and Customers, That he has Imported by Capt. Symmes, from LONDON,
A Fresh Assortment of Summer GOODS, which he will sell at the very lowest Prices for ready Money viz. Dutch Laces, Cheavaux de Frize & Blond Laces, Gauzes, Gauze Handkerchiefs, a fine Assortment of Callicoes, &c. India Dimothys, Jackonet, sprig'd and striped Muslins, Bengals, Nankeens, Lungee Romalls, black and blue Ostrich Plumes, Skeleton & Cap Wire, Allamodes, Sarsnets,Ribbons, Gown Trimmings Hoses, best Pumps, Silk ditto, Girls & Misses Morracco Pumps, Cambricks, Lawns, a fone Assortment of Mens & Womens Worsted, Thread & Cotton Hose, Breeches Pieces, Morris's Patent Gloves and Mitts, superfine and other Cloths, Duroys, W?ltons, Serges, Ravens Duck, Dowlass, China Ware, Paper, Nests Red Trunks, Irish Linnens of all Widths, Spices, &c. &c &c.
Monday April 25, 1774
New AUCTION-ROOM, Cornhill
TO-MORROW at Ten o'Clock will be Sold by PUBLIC VENUE, at GREENLEAF'S Auction Room,---
A Large Assortment of English Goods, amongst which are, Calicoes, Chintz, printed Linnens, stamped Linnen Handkerchiefs, flower'd & plain Lawns, silk Gauzes, Ribbons, Taffities, Irish Linnens, white Threads, Silk Twist, Silk and Hair Dureys, Shalloons, Calamancoes, Manchester Velvets, Broad Cloths, Forrest Cloths, German Serges, Ratteens, Duffils, Kerseys, Buck, Bone, Coco Handled Table Knives and Forks, Pen Knives--Also, some House Furniture, as Looking Glasses one Desk, one Jack, Brass Kettles, Sauce Pans, Andirons, Frying Pans, &c. &c.
The Sale to begin To-Morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.
Monday, May 2, 1774
Joseph Peirce
(who is just arrived from LONDON) and is now
opening at his Shop in Kings Street, nearly opposite
the North Door of the Town- House, BOSTON,
Of all Widths,
A beautiful variety of
Royal Rib,
Cotton Denim, Spotted Jean,
Crimson Silk Sashes for Officers,
New Gorgets for ditto,
Rich Blue, Black, and White Sattins,
Rich Leather mounted and other Fans,
Brussels and Mecklin Laces,
English brocades and other Pumps,
Mens and Youths white and brown Holland and
Beaver Gloves,
Ladies white Beaver furred Riding Hats,
Mens white Beaver Hats,
Irish Linens of all Widths and Prices,
Checks, ditto, ditto,
Ravens Duck,
Russia Drabs,
Muslins and Cambricks,
A large Assortment of Mens, Womens and
Childrens Thread, Cotton and Silk Hose,
White and Black Silk Breeches Patterns,
All Colours Worsted ditto,
Black embroidered Coat Loops,
Neat Patent Wove Stays,
With a great Varity of other Articles, which his
Customers and others may be assured he will sell
At a very small Profit for READY MONEY.
Monday, May 2, 1774
By Benjamin Church,
At Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon,
At the usual Place of Sale,
A very large and general Assortment of new and very fashionable Silks-- just imported, cons-
sisting of strip'd and plain Lutestrings--Mantuas--Brocades--Sattins--Modes--Persains, &c. ---ALSO,---Tammies—Durants Calamancoes-
M?ssinetts--Broglioes-- Also and Assortment of Check -- Bed Ticking--
Ozenbrigs, &c. &c. ----At Ten o'Clock, A. M.
To be Sold, Wholesale or Retail, by public
Or private Sale, at BICKER'S Auction-Room, near
The Market, BOSTON.
Callicoes, Patches, Printed Linnens, Cotton and Linnens, India Chints, Silver and Pinchback Watches, Cotton Checks, palin Lawns, plain Muslins,
A very great Choice…….
Monday May 9, 1774
By Benjamin Church,
On Thursday next,
At Ten o'clock in the Forenoon,
At the usual Place of Sale,
Irich Linnesn---- Cotton and Linnen Checks, BeedTicks, Ozenbrigs, Shalloons, Tammies, Calamancoes, a variety of beautiful Silks, Damascus, Tobines, Cordesoys, Lorettees, Superfine Moree Gowns, Mens & Womens Hose, Cutlery Wares, &c. House Furniture-- an eight Day Clock, a second and Chaise-- Watches, &c. &c.
On WEDSNESDAY 11th Inst.
At Ten in the Morning
Will be Sold by PUBLIC VENDUE,
Callicoes, Chinces and printed Cottons, Irish Linnens, lac'd Sattins, figur'd and plain Lawns, fine Damask Table Cloths, Drapery ditto, 3 qrs. And 6 qrs. Huckabucks, Silk & Linnen Handkerchiefs, Fine and course Sheetings, Dowlass, a variety of beautiful Robbons, a fine assortment of double guilt Buttons, Buckram, Oznabrigs, colour'd Thread, a large Quanity of Straw Hatts, a quantiy of Cod lines and Twine, Cod Hooks, Velvet Co_ks, Men's Wearing Apparell, &c. &c. J. RUSSELL, Auctioneer
Extremely Cheap
John Barrett & Sons
A most elegant and compleat Assortment of
English, India and Scotch
Suited for the Season,
With all Kinds of London, Bristol, Sheffield, and Birmingham
Hard Ware and Cutlery Goods,
Which being excellent in Quantity, and advantageously purchased,
They can engage to sell,
By Wholesale and Retail, on such Terms, for Cash or short Credit,
as cannot fail to give universal Satisfaction to their Customers.
The Variety is such as to render an Enumeration of the Articles rather
Tedious to their Friend; they may serve as some Specimen of
Their Assortment, viz.
Chints, Calicoes, and Patches of all Kinds and Prices, and of the newest Fashion, Nankeens, Fustians, Jeans, Damascus, Lorettos, Brunswicks, Mozeens, Bengals, White Dimothy striped, plain and figured , Book, strip'd, check'd and sprig'd Muslin, Cambricks and Lawns, Flowering & Nuns Thread, Gauzes, Catgut, Patent and Spider Net,
Dutch Laces, Silk & Muslin Gauze Aprons and Handkerchiefs, Lawn ditto, Fine Chip Hats,
A very great Variety of black Bone & Thread ditto and Edging, Black, blue, crow & great Variety of brown, olive & cloth colour'd Padusoys, Grey, green, crow, olive, barre, and cloth colour'd Ducapes,
Cloth colour'd, black, pink, grey, blue, straw, and the most beautiful shot or changeable Lutestrings and Mantuas, Striped and brocaded ditto, Rich black Sattin, White ditto, English Damask, A great Variety of plain and figur'd, wide and Pelong Sattins of all Colours, Skeleton and Cap Wire, Cinnamen, Mace, Nutmegs, Cloves,
An Assortment of the most fashionable fine and SUPERFINE BROAD-CLOTHS,--
With suitable Linings and Trimmings, White, pink, straw, blue and black narrow Modes, Persians, &
Sarfnets, (f or s-?) ditto, wide English and India, A Variety of English and India Taffeties, Rich Double Allopeen, plain and changeable, Silk & Worsted Sagathees, Silk and Thread Mitts and Gloves, Silk, Thread Cotton Hose of all Prices, Black Breeches Patterns, Duroys, Corduroys, or Royal Rib, Canton, Stay Tick, White & col'd Russia Drab, Russia Diaper, Clouting do. Checks of all kinds, Ravens, Duck, Huckabuck, A large Assortment of Irish Linens, exceeding low, Hankerchiefs of every short, Marking Canvas, Table Linen, Shirt Buttons, Superfine plated & Gold and Silver Thread Buttons, Tiffany, Hat-Crape, French & English necklaces, A large & elegant Assortment of Ribbons, &c. &c.
Nails, Pewter, Steel, GUN-POWDER & shot, Glass 6 by 8, 10 by 8, and 7by 9,
A fine Assortment of Looking Glasses, Writing-Paper, Ink-Powder, &c. &c.
Joseph Peirce
(who is just arraived from LONDON and is now opening at his Shop in Kings Street, nearly opposite the North Door of the Town-House, BOSTON.
Of all Widths,
A beautiful variety of
Royal Rib, Cotton Denim, Spotted Jean,
Crimson Silk Sashes for Officers,
New GORGETS for ditto,
Brocades, Rich Sattins, Blue Black, and White
Rich Leather mounted and other Fans,
Brussels and Mecklin Laces,
Mens and Youths white and brown Holland and Beaver Gloves,
Ladies white Beaver furred Riding Hats,
Mens White Beaver Hats
Boys white and black turn-up Hats,
Irish Linens of all Widths and Prices, Check, ditto ditto,
Ravens Duck, Dowlas, Sheeting, Russia Drabs,
Muslins and Cambricks,
A large assortment of Mens, Womens, and Childrens Thread, Cotton and Silk Hose,
White and Black Silk Breeches Patterns,
All Colours Worsted ditto,
White KESEYMERE, Black embroidered Coat Loops,
Neat Patent Wove Stays.
With a great Variety of other Articles, all which his Customers and others may be
Assure he will sell at a very small Profit for READY MONEY.
Monday, May 16, 1774
At Three o'clock in the Afternoon.
A Variety of valuable Articles , Viz. Callicoes--Checks--Linnens--Shalloons--Durants-- Calimancoes--Brussels-- Taberits--Venetians--An??loor--Camlets--Cambleteens---Also House Furniture as Tables--Chairs--Glasses--an 8 Day Clock, Watches
At 3 o'clock, P. M.
Spring Goods
Cheap for Cash or short Credit just Imported
Near the Cornfield, Union Street,
A compleat Assortment of newest fashion'd Callicoes and India Chints, Nankeens, Russia Drabs, yd-wide, 7-8 and 3-4 Irish Linnens, Cambricks and Lawns, Gauzes and Catgut, Patent & Spider's Net, Book Sussin, black, bone and blond Lace, white blond and thread ditto, Cheveauz de Frize, strip'd and sprig'd silk Gauze, silk Gloves and Mitts, a compleat Assortment of newest fashioned Ribbons, Mode Sarsnet and Sattin of all Colours, Cotton Hose, Handkerchiefs of Sorts, English and French Necklaces, Womens English Shoes, and Clogs, Looking Glasses, a large Assortment of China, Glass and Earthen Ware, &c. &c. &c.
N. B. A few Casks of English Cheese, and a few Hampers of exceeding fine Porter.
Monday, May 23, 1774
The Merchants and all concerned in Trade in the Place, are requested to meet at the British Coffee-House, at 6 o'Clock this Evening, on Matters of general and important Concern.
Boston, May 23, 1774.
William Bant
Has Imported in the last Vessels form LONDON, a General Assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which he will sell by Wholesale and Retail at his Store fronting Dock Square, at the very lowest Rates for Cash.
Boston, April 21, 1774
Edward Church
Has Imported in the last Ships from LONDON, An Assortment of Spring Goods, which he is now selling at his Usual low Rate at his Store in Newbury Street.
Imported in the last Ships from LONDON & GLASGOW,
By Samual Parkman,
And are now selling at his Shop in Union-Street, a compleat Assortment of English, India, and Scotch GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE A variety of stript , plain and changeable Lutestrings and Mantua's Sar(f)net, Sattins and Modes, plain, spotted, stript and flower'd Gauzes, Gauze Aprons & Handkerchiefs, Lawn Aprons and Handkerchiefs, Callicoes and Patches, Bengalls, Brolio, Muffinets, & c. A large Assortment of Hosiery, Corduroys, black and white Cotton Denim, brown Thread Breeches, Pieces, Nankeen, Taffities & Persians, a great Variety of black & white Bone Blond & Trolly Lace and Edgings, and many other Articles.
He asks the Favour of those who have Money to lay out to call and see him, that he may have an Opportunity to prove to them that his Goods are really very cheap.
New AUCTION- ROOM , Cornhill.
TO-MORROW at Ten o'Clock will be Sold by PUBLIC VENDUE, at GREENLEAF'S auction Room
A large Assortment of GOODS,
Amongst which are--
3-4-7-8 and yard-wide Irish Linnens, calicoes, chints, striped flowered and plain lawns, lawn aprons, sprigg'd muslins, silk gauzes, catguts, ribbons, plain modes, silk twist, damask and diaper tablecloths, kenting and linnen handkerchiefs, check, strip hollands, bedticks, broad cloths, kerseys, ratteens, duffils Manchester velvets, shalloons, tammies, thread& worsted hose, breeches patterns, mens and boys caster and felt hatts, table knives and forks, silver-plated buckles, sleeve buttons, stone shoe knee and neck buckles, silver watches, cream coloured and white stone dishes and plates, and a quantity of glass ware, &c.
The Sale will begin precisely at Ten o'Clock .
For private Sale, an 8 day clock, a Desk and Book-Case, a new Chaise and Harness, a handsome Curricle, some Looking-Glasses, and a Variety of English Goods.
Cyrus Baldwin,
Hereby notifies his Customers and others, That he purposes to embark for London early next Fall; and that he is now selling off his Stock in Trade, consisting of large and valuable Assortments of ENGLISH, INDIA, and SCOTCH GOODS, very cheap for Sash at his Store in Cornhill, near the Town-House in Boston.
Royal Ribb, Jennets, Denim, Cotton Velvets, and a large Assortment of Superfine, middling, and low-priced BROAD-CLOTHS, with Trimmings; German Serges, Wiltons, Jeans, Fustians, and other Calicoes, Furniture Checks, Irish Linnens, Cambricks, Lawns, thick Muslin, Book ditto, Silks for Ladies Gowns, of various sorts and colours, (some of them at the first Cost), a beautiful Assortment of Ribbons, Quality and Shoe Bindings, Garterings, and Tapes, a fine Assortment of Silk, Thread, Worsted and Cotton Hosiery, Carpets, and Carpeting, Looking Glasses, &c. with a Thousand other Articles, not here mentioned.-- Very neat Superfine Chip Hats at the sterling Cost.
Those who have the Cash to pay will most surely find it to their Advantage to apply to said Baldwin,--
He earnestly Requests all Persons that are indebted to him, to make speedy Payment.
IMPORTED in the last ships from LONDON
Luke Baker,
At his VARIETY STORE, nearly opposite Capt. Cobb's Distill-House, at the South-End,
A very large, genteel, and fashionable Assortment of
Consisting of
Brodcades, Sattins, Lutestrings, 1/2 Ell and 3/4 wide plain and strip'd Mantuas, Modes, Persians, &c. &c. which he will sell under the Sterling Cost. Also --A great Variety of all other kinds of Spring GOODS, suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen, which he is determined to sell as low as can be bought at any Shop or Store in Boston-------
Liverpool WARE exceeding Cheap.
Samuel Garnett,
Taylor and Habit-Maker from LONDON,
Take this Method to acquaint the Public in General, and his Friends in Particular, that he carries on the aforesaid Business in all its Branches in Green's Lane.--
Ladies and Gentlemen that please to favour him with their Custom may be served in the best Manner, and on the most reasonable Terms and shortest Notice.
Monday, June 6, 1774
At GOULD's Auction Office, In Back- Street,
IS now selling off by private Sale,
A very fine Assortment of Hosiery Goods, consisting of Mens and Womens Worsted Thread and Cotton Hose, Black and Cloth coloured Breeches Patterns, Worsted Mitts, &c. &c.
Monday, June 20, 1774
By Thomas Handasyd Peck,
At his Shop in Merchant's-Row, near the Golden Ball,
ALL Sort of Linnen Linings suitable for Beaver, Beaverett, Castor & Felt Hatts, black, blue and green Tabby-Linings, Mohair Loopings and Bands, Silk ditto, Buttons and Loops newest Fashion, sundry Sorts of Chain and Shapes for Button Loops, Gold and Silver Buttons and Loops, white and yellow Trimming for Childrens Hatts, white and yellow Bands & Buckles, Gold and Silver Chain, Brushes, Cards, Velours-? , Bowstrings,, Luping-Needles, Nus?skins, Camels Hair Irons, Verdegrease, Copperas, Logwood, Beaver, Beaverett, Caster and Felt Halls, Childrens black turn-up Halls, white ditto, also Strouds and Blankets suitable for the Indian Trade, Powder, Shot, and Russia Duck.
N. B. Cash given for Beaver, and all Sorts of Furs as usual.
Monday, June 20, 1774
Has just received for Sale a this Auction-Room near the Conduit, Boston, A very large and valuable Assortment of ENGLISH G O O D S,
Which are in the Property of a Gentleman leaving off the Business, therefore they will be sold very low,----
Among which are
A Very large Assortment of Irish Linnens, and Manchester Cotton Velvets, Cotton Check, India and English Callicoes, Sheeting Linnens, Lawns, Cambrick, ---Cotton---and Thread Worsted Hose, Handkerchiefs of all kinds, Dowlass and Oznabrigs, Bedticking, German serges, black Sattins, English black Taffity, Breeches Pieces, Pins, some Hardware, Silver, and Pinchbeck Watches, &c. &c.
Monday, July 18, 1774
Imported in the last Ships from LONDON, And to be Sold by JOHN WHITE, near the Cornfield, Union Street.
An Assortment of Goods, amongst which are 3/4, 7/8, and yard-wide Irish Linnen, Cotton and Linnen Check, newest fashioned Callicoes, Ribbons of all Sorts, Handkerchiefs, of all Sorts, Diaper Table Cloaths, Clouting Diaper, Russia Drabs, Nankeens, Women's Shoes, and Clogs, silk Gloves and Mitts, Book Muslin, Cambricks, and Lawns, Catgut, Patent and Spiders Net, Black, Bone and Blond, Lace, White Blond and Thread ditto, Cheveaux de F?ze, sprig's and strip'd Gauze, English and French Necklaces, Sarsnets, and Sattins of all Colours, Cotton Hose, --- A large Assortment of Looking Glasses, China, Glass and Earthen Ware, English Loaf Sugar, and a few fine Cheshire Cheeses.
Monday July 28, 1774
There is now Selling off, by Wholesale and Retail, at BICKER'S Auction Room near the Market Boston.
Most kinds of English, India, and Scotch Goods, Among which are many Articles suitable for the Fall Trade.
P U B L I C V E N U E.
THIS and TO-MORROW Evening,
At BICKER'S Auction-Room,
Near the Market, BOSTON.
Where will be Sold a great Variety of GOODS,
Among which are
Twenty Pieces Irish Linnens, Cotton
Checks, Calicoes, Patches, Painted Linnens, Broad Cloths, Serges, Men's and Women's Cotton and Thread Hose, Handkerchiefs, sundry sorts Hard-ware several Feather Beds, 2 Fowling Pieces, 3 Desks, 3 Silver Watches, second-hand Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. 7c.
M. Bicker, Auctioneer.
The Sale will begin This and To-morrow Evening 8 Clock
Monday August 1, 1774
A Consignment of English GOODS,
Consisting of the following Articles, viz.
An Assortment of Hatt-Trimmings,
Stripted Damaseus Bandanno and Barcelona Handkerchiefs, black Cravats, Knee-Garters, Coat-Bindings, Mohair and scarf Twist, death-head and metal Buttons, scarlet Gartering, steel-bow'd Spectacles, Needles and Purse Pins, Scotch Thread, a very heat silver -plated Coffee-Pot, silk Ferrets, worsted and silk Breeches Patterns, silk and thread hose, striped Swanskins, Men and Boys Felt Hats, &c. &c.
To be Sold very low for Cash Inquire of
William Palfrey
Monday September 12, 1774
New AUCTION ROOM, Dock-Square,
Will be Sold by Public Vendue,
At Hunter's Auction-Room
(Lately improved as a Store by Mr. Thomas Wailey)
A large Assortment of English GOODS,
Amongst of which are
Irish Linnens, Callicoes, Chints, printed Linnens, Muslins,
Strip'd and Check'd Linnen Handjkerchiefs, Ribbons, India Taffatys, Ginghams, Bed Ticks, Men's and Women's Worst'd Hose, Breeches Patterns, Cambleteens, Tammy's Shalloons, Silk Mitts, Felt Hatts, &c.
Wm. Hunter, Auctioneer
Monday, October 3, 1774
William Bant
Begs Leave to inform his Friends, Customers and others, That he has to sell by Wholesale and Retail at his Store fronting Dock-Square, Boston---
A general Assortment of English and India
G O O D S,
Suitable for the approaching season: (the whole of which was imported before the 31st August last.)
Among his GOODS is a prime Choice of Superfine Scarlet, Pompadore, white, green. pea green, sea green, barry, black, blue, brown, and cloth colour'd BROADCLOTHS; middling and low priz'd Ditto, with Shalloons and Trimmings to match the Cloths: Also of SILKS, viz---Padusoye, Ducapes, Mantuas, Lutestring, single and double Sattins, black, white and crimson figur'd Sattin, black, blue, green and white half yard Persians, ell-wide Persians, half-ell and ell-wide Alamodes, Brolios, black, blue and crimson thick Cordusoys for Men's Waistcoats; and a Variety of other Articles that are commonly in Use at this Season of the Year.
The above mentioned GOODS will be disposed of at the very lowest Rates, as said Bant is extremely desires of exchanging all or any of them,, for an Article, which is more convenient for him in these troublesome Times, viz C A S H
Monday, October 10, 1774
TO BE SOLD cheap
At Benjamin Goldthwait's Shop,
Just above Concert-Hall, Boston.
Superfine Scarlet and white Broadcloths, superfine Garnett ditto, white & Buff Casimeers, figur'd Velvets, Corduroy of all colours, silk and worsted Breeches Patterns of all colours, &c. &c.
The Taylor's Business as usual, is carried on in the best Manner at said Shop
>>At his Cellar near said Shop is to be sold choice ORANGE JUICE, by the cask or smaller Quantity.
Monday, October 31, 1774
And to be Sold To-Morrow at Ten o'clock,
At Gould's Auction-Office,
In Back-Street
A valuable Assortment of English goods,
--Amongst which are,--
BAIZES, Duffils, Kerseys, Broad Cloths, Coattings, Serges, Shalloons, Worsted Hose, Breeches Patterns, Camblets, Cambleteens, Striped Hollands, Dowlass, Sattins, figur'd and plain Modes, India and English Taffatys, Cravatts, figur'd and plain Gauzes, Catguts, Paris Nets, Laces, Calicoes, Printed & Check'd Linnen Handkerchiefs, fugur'd and plain Lawns, Ladies Pocket Books, a variety of Brazery and Cutlary, Ware, with a great Variety of other Articles, also a quantity of good Cheese, Dutch Looking Glasses, Two Feather Beds, Chairs, Tables, &c. &c.
R. GOULD, Auctioneer
Duncan Ingraham, Jun.
Has now for Sale, a Parcel of well-bought GOODS, which he will sell on very advantageous Terms (for the Purchaser) at his Shop in Union Street, Boston: among his Goods are the following, which he will sell uncommonly low for Cash, viz.
Colour'd Silk Hose various Prices
Outsize white Ditto,
A Variety of Silk Mitts and Gloves,
2 Cafes Silver-handled Knives and Forks,
Blue and white India China--Cups and Saucers,
Pint and half Pint Bowles,
Tables Cloths from 35s O.T. to L.11 5s. very nice,
Black and colour'd figur's Sattins,
Black and colour'd Capuchin Silks.
Monday, November 28, 1774
At his usual Place of Sale,
On Thursday Evening Next,
To begin at Six o'clock,
A Great Variety of valuable articles, viz.
Broad Cloths--Serges--Forrest Cloths,Duffils, Gamblett, Calamancoes, Cotton Checks, Linnens, Sheeting Holland, Linnen and Barcelona Handkerchiefs, Cutlary , Café Knives and Forsk, &c. Sundry Articles of Household--Tables, Chairs, Feather Beds, &c. Wearing Apparel new and second hand.
N B. The Goods to be view'd the Day of Sale]
Thursday Evening next.
New Auction-Room, Cornhill.
To-Morrow Morning at Ten o,Clock,
Will be Sold, by PUBLIC VENDUE,
At GREENLEAF'S Action-Room,
A Great Variety of GOODS, (belonging to a Gentleman leaving the Province) amongst which are,
Broad Cloths, Duffils, Plains, Fearnoughts, Shalloons, Durants, Tammies, Plain and Corded Poplins, Allopeens, and Checked Handkerchiefs, Worsted Hose, Manchester Bed Ticks, Castor and Felt Hatts, &c.
Sale begins 10 o'Clock. Wm. Greenleaf,Act'r.
Gilbet Deblois,
Informs his Customers that he has for Sale at his Shop
Opposite the Bottom of School-Street,
A very large and compleat Assortment
Suitable for the Season,
Very cheap for C A S H,
Among which are,
8/4,9/4,10/4,11/4, Bed Blankets, Rugs, &c.
Scarlet, blue, white, buff, & other colour'd Broad Cloths, Blue, scarlet and green Whitneys, Bath Beavers, Coatings, Lambskins, &c.
White mill'd Flannels and Baizes, Ironing-Cloths, Wide and narrow Baizes of all Colours and Prices, A fine Assortment of Womens new fashioned Stuffs, Choice Cambleteens at 9d Sterl. Per Yard, All Colours and Prices for Camblets or Riding Hoods, A great Variety of Silks, for the Ladies, A complete Assortment of Hosiery, & Mill' Gloves some of which suitable for the Gentlemen of the Army & Navy, Irish Linnens, of all Widths, and Prices, Cheap Carpets, and Carpeting; Calicoes, chinaware, Loaf-Sugar, Spices, &c. Looking Glasses,--Scales, --K?ppen's Snuff, Firkin Butter at 6d Sterling Per Pound, Gold and Silver Laces, &c. &c. Fifes, Violins, French Horns, &c. Swords and Pistols, German Steel, Ba??Lead, Nails,
With almost every other Article of GOODS, Imported to America, form Great-Britain, Scotland, and Ireland,
La Composition pour Nettoyer silver Lace, Embroidery and any sort of plain and wrought plate.
Boston, November 23, 1774
Monday, December 5, 1774
Town and Country Shop Keeper, Traders,
And other are hereby Invited to
Gould's Auction-Office,
In Back-Street,
To-Morrow Morning, at Ten O'Clock,
Will be Sold by PUBLIC VENUE,
A very large and valuable Assortment of GOODS,
(the Property of Mr. William Mollneaux, deceased) --Amongst which are---Broad-Cloths, Ratteens, Coatings, Plains, Sagathys, Camblets, Everlastings, Men's and Women's Worsted Hose, Breeches Patterns, rich Cords, Allopeens, Cotton Caps, Velvet Shapes, figur'd Stuffs, Brocades Shoes, Hatt Crapes, Tiffany, Laced and Plain Hatts ; a Quantity of Woolen and Linen Yarn, Wheels, ; a Parcel of damaged Candles, Swivel Guns, Cohorns, Small Arms, and Pistols,; a great Variety of Metal Buttons, Table, Cuttoe & Penknives, Microscopes, Hammers, Pinchers, and Nippers of various sorts, Locks, Hingles, Chizzels, Goudges, Esencheons, &c. ……….
R Gould, Auctioneer
Boston Gazette Runaway Ads
Monday, January 3, 1774
Ran-Away- from me the Subscriber a Negro -man names TOM, the ??? Inst. Had on when he went away, a light coloured Surtout, a Snuff coloured Coat with flower'd Brass Buttons, a Chocolate coloured Jacket and black Hair, Plush Breeches and striped Cotton and Linnen Shirt, black Stockings and Plated Buckles, about 5 feet 7 or 8 Inches high, Whoever shall take up said Negro and return his to his Master, shall have 2 Dollars Reward, and all necessary Charges paid by me.-
Simeon Polley.
Boston, Dec. 1 1773
Monday, February 14, 1774
Ran-away from Johnathan Red of Wrentham, on the seventh of this Instant, a Man Servant , called his Name John Hopkins or James Gutridge, an Old Countryman, who Bound himself to said Reed for the Theft, about 30 Years of Age, a Shoemaker by Trade, mark'd with Small Pox, about 5 feet & 1/2 high, his Hair red, and wears a darkish Wig, walks very upright, a well fed Man: Had on when he went away a brown fusty short Coat, black Jacket, and old Leather Breeches, a thick Buff Cap, no Hat:- Whoever….
JR Wretham Feb. 8, 1774
Monday, May 2, 1774
Stop Thief and Runaway Man Servant.
Whereas William Hayward, Baker, absconded himself from my service 16th March, 1774 and took with him to the Value of Eight Pounds, L.M. and he being taking and convicted, voluntarily Bound himself, to serve me Six Months, to Pay Damages & Cost; and and he last Night absconded himself again; had on an old Felt Hat, an old cloth colour'd Coat and Waistcoat, check'd Woolen Shirt, a Pair of new cloth colour'd Breeches, a Pair of old pale blue Stockings, and a Pair of singlesole Shoes,--Said Hayward is about Thirty-three Years of Age. Five Feet Five inches high, darkish short Hair, and down look like a Rogue and Thief,------- Whosoever will take up said Servant and Notify me the Subscriber so that I may have him again , shall have FIVE DOLLARS Reward, paid by me
Marlboro April 9, 1774 ISAAC SHERMAN.
All Bakers are herby Cautioned against Employing said Servant.
Monday, May 9, 1774
Stop Thief and Runaway Man Servant.
Whereas William Hayward, Baker, absconded himself from my Service 16th March, 1774, and took with him to the Value of eight pounds , L. M. and be being taken and convicted, voluntarily Bound himself, to serve me Six Months, to Pay Damages & Cost: and he last Night absconded himself again; had on an old Felt Hat, an old cloth colour'd Coat and Waistcoat, check'd Woolen Shirt, a Pair of new cloth colour'd Breeches, a Pair of old pale blue Stockings, and a Pair of singlesole Shoes.--Said Hayward is about Thirty-three Years of Age, Five Feet Five Inches high, darkish, short Hair, and down look like a Rogue and Thief.----Whossoever will take up said Servant and Notify me the Subscriber so that I may have him again, shall have FIVE DOLLARS reward. Paid by me,
Marlboro April 9, 1774 ISAAC SHERMAN,
All Bakers are hereby cautioned against Employing said Servant.
Ran away from his Master on Friday Evening last, a Negro Boy, named GORREE, about 16 Years of Age, 5 Feet , 3 Inches High, had on when he went away, a brown Cloth Coat, dark Velvet Waistcoat, white Shirt, white Linen Breeches, grey Yarn Stockings, a pair of Shoes tore at the Heels, with Pinchback Buckles, an old Felt Hat. Whoever will take up said Run-away, and secure him, and give Information to the Subscriber, for that he may have him again, shall have a handsome Reward and necessary Charges paid by
DANIEL VOSE. Milton, May 30, 1774.
Monday, June 13, 1774
Ten Dollars Reward
RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, Joseph Moors, of Groton, in the County of Middlesex, and Province of Massachusetts-Bay, a Molatto Man Servant, names, TITU, about 20 Years of Age, of a middling Stature, wears, short curl'd Hair, has one of his Fore-Teeth broke our, took with him a blue Surdan, a Stuff coloured Coat, and a Pair, of white wash'd Leather Breeches, a Pair of new Cow-Hide Pumps, and Furr'd Hat with a large Brims, and sundry other Articles, of Wearing Apparel.-- Whoever will take up said Servant and confine him in any of his Majesty's Goals, so that the Owner may have him again, shall have TEN DOLLARS Reward and all necessary Charges paid by
Waltham, June 6, 1774
Ran-away from the Subscriber a Servant Boy, named Silence Robinson, between 17 and 18 Years old, large of his Age, Any Person who will secure said Servant so that his Master may have him again, shall have Five Shillings, O.T. Reward for their Trouble paid by
Ran-away from the Subscriber, living in Gorham, which joins Falmouth, Cumberland County in the Massachusetts Province, short Negro Man named Prince, about 26 Years of Age, 5 Feet some Inches high, talks broken English, has remarkable small Ears, and a Jewel Hole in one of them. Had on almost new Felt Hat, a reddish grey home-made Cloth Coat Jacket and Breeches, with silk knee Garters, a dark Callicoe under Jacket, a white Linnen Shirt, red Collar and Cuffs, to his Coat with Metal Buttons, white Cotton Stockings, Calf-Skin Pumps,. It may be he has a Pass. Said Negro plays tolerable well on a Violin. Whosever will take up said Negro or bring him to his Master shall have Sixteen Dollars Reward, and all Charges paid by
Monday, June 20, 1774
RAN-away from the Subscriber on the Eighth of June Instant, at Night, a Negro Boy, about Seventeen Years of Age: Had on when he went off, a dark coloured cloth Jacket and Trowsers, and is branded on the Breast Delamote, very remarkable: said Fellow speaks tolerable good English , and some French. Whoever takes up said Fellow and Secures him in any of his Majesty's Goals, or Returns him to the Subscriber, shall have FIVE DOLLARS Reward, and all necessary Charges paid by
Providence, June 10, 1774.
Ten Dollar Reward
RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, Joseph Moors, of Groton, in the County of Middlesex, and Province of Massachusetts-Bay, a Malatto Man Servant, names TITUS, about 20 Years of Age, of a middling Statue, wears, short curl'd Hair, has one of his Fore Teeth broke out, took with his a blue Surdan, a Snuff coulor'd Coat, and a Pair, of white wash'd Leather Breeches, a Pair of new Cow-hide Pumps, and a Fur'd Hat with large Brims, and sundry other Articles of Wearing Apparel.---Whoever will take of said Servant and confine him in any of his Majesty's Goals ………
Joseph Moors
Monday, July 25, 1774
Four Dollars Reward.
RANAWAY from his Master MARK HUNKING of Barrington, in New Hampshire, a Negro Servant named CESSAR :--- Had on when he went away, a striped homespun lappel'd Waistcoat, a Tow Shirt, black Serge Breeches, grey Jacket, a pair of Breeches and Jacket of a black and Hemlock dye, striped Tow Trowsers, black and white Yarn Stockings. He is a strait Limb'd Fellow about 5 Feet nine inches high, very white Teeth, smiling Countenance; was bro't up to Farming Work. ---Whoever shall take up said Runaway, and secure him so that his Master may have him again,………….
Monday, August 1, 1774
Ran-away fro her Master, Francis Shaw, a likely tall Negro Woman, known by the name of Violet Shaw, about 25 Years old; has a Blemish in one Eye, carried away with her a white Callico Riding Dress, a stript Callico Gown, a Claret coloured Poplin Gown, a stript blue and white Holland Gown, a Bengail Gown, and many other valuable Articles of Apparel.
Whoever apprehends her, and will return her to her Master in Boston………
Boston, July 29h, 1774
Monday, August 15, 1774
Where as sundry Goods and Merchandize were taken and stolen out of the Store of the Subscriber in July last to the Amount of 4ooL.M. Part of which Goods and Merchandize were found in the Dwelling House of Middlesex, Trader. And wheras said Jonathan Brewer, hath since made his Escape, and cannot be found…………….The said Brewer is a well-built Man, decently dressed. Had on when he went away (as is supposed) a white Coat and Spotted Jacket and Breeches, his Hair is black and cut short, and he generally wears mixt coloured Silk Stockings.
Boston, 1st August, 1774 FRED Wm. GEYER
Monday September 12, 1774
Ran away from the Subscriber, at Manchester, Yesterday; two Negros, viz CHESTER, alias TITUS, about 30 Years of Age 5 Feet 9 Inches high, well Limb'd, a stammering Speech, and one or more of his Toes partly lost by Frost. Had on when he went away, and carried with him, a brown colour'd all Wool Coat, light colour'd Broadcloth ditto, trim'd with Green, two striped Jackets, blue Breeches and a Pair of Trowsers.---CESAR, a slim Boy about 17 Years of Age, Carried with him a light colour'd BroadCloth Coat, trimm'd with Green, Leather Breeches, two under Jackets, one Callico, the other whitish Broad Cloth with Metal Buttons, a Pair of Trowsers &c.
Whoever shall take up said Run-aways …..shall have four Dollars Reward for each…….
John Lee
Monday, October 3, 1774
Absconded from the Subscriber on the 3d Day of August last, a Negro Man, call TOM, had on a Pair of black Plush Breeches, a light colour'd ragged Jacket, Lame in both his Feet: Said Negro return'd the last Night broke open his Master's Stable , Stole from thence a valuable Chestnut colour'd Horse, wth a small white Spot on his Forehead, Pacers and Trots light, and took a Saddle (with a white Housen) and Bridle; he has with him a counterfeit Pass.
Whoever will take up said Thief and Horse shall have FOUR DOLLARS, and all necessary Charges, paid by SIMEON POLLEY Boston, Sept, 28, 1774
Monday, October 10, 1774
Ran-away from the Subscriber on the 22d of September, at Night a Negro Man Servant, by the Name of CATO, about Five Feet and Eight Inches high, very thick Lips, speaks broken, and Walks as if he was lame in his Heels. Had on when he went away, a Cloth colour'd Coat, with Pewter Buttons, old Leather Breeches, a Tow Shirt, old Shoes with Silver plate Buckles, wore a Cap, and ?hoves round his Neck, and very high on his Forehead: Carried away with him a Callico Banyan, fine Linen Shirt, Check Linen Trowsers, grey Wigg, also carries or Wears a Felt Hatt with a Silver Lace on it, had a Violin and carries it in a green Bays Bag. Whosoever will return the Runaway to his Master in Winchenden, shall have the above Reward and all necessary Charges, paid by LEVI NICHOL,
Winchenden, Sept. 23, 1774